About Our Company

Brar Traders is one of the world's leading professional recruitment consultancies, specializing in the placement of candidates in permanent, contract, temporary and interim positions with clients around the England.

Our business was established in London in 2020 when we opened our London office. Our role is to work with employers and job seekers to facilitate a successful match. This can range from advising a global company on a candidate sourcing strategy to helping a job seeker find their dream job.

In England, we focus on recruiting for the following areas:

• Construction Site related job Recruitment
• Catering staff Recruitment
• Promotion related job, leafleting etc recruitment.

Vicky Brar, CEO



Why choose us

Innovative Works

Our experts are multi-skilled, we can take a holistic view

Certified Company

We don’t suddenly appear, make a few general observations and then vanish, leaving you with a large bill. We’re willing to work hand-in-hand with your business at a deeper, employee level.

Vey Experienced

Expanding in a profitable way is great news for any company. But it often leads to ‘growing pains’ as the business needs to reshape and re-organize around different objectives, products/services, and customers.

Our Main Services

Words From Customers